Jan - Goal Setting

Happy New Year Normans!


The new year is an opportunity for you to reflect on how you want to spend Spring Semester and your next 12 months.  Taking the time to make thoughtful goals and a clear plan for your year will set you up for success and hold you accountable. 


Goals give you a sense of self-determination and accomplishment, which can give you a hit of dopamine, a brain chemical that makes you feel happy. During this month, we will teach students how to successfully set realistic and attainable goals.

January is “Goal Setting” month. 

Our motto for this month is “Believe in yourself, conquer the year ahead.” Please join us in our January Support programs.




(January 17th) 

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY- Duck-tape Dreams: Crafting Your January Journal for Goal Setting Success


Embrace the creativity of Wellness Wednesday! Join us for "Duck-tape Dreams: Crafting Your January Journal for Goal Setting Success." Elevate your journaling experience as you decorate your journal and set empowering goals for both school and personal growth. The event takes place on January 17th during lunch in NormanAid B2-201. Please note that the center will be exclusively open to event attendees. We look forward to welcoming you to a positive and safe space where inspiration, imagination, creation, and belief converge! See you there!





Season 2, Episode 1: “One Goal At A Time: Resolutions For Healthier And Happier Living”

Ryan Weiss is one of L.A.’s premier life coaches and a certified Kundalini yoga and meditation teacher. He helps people accomplish their big goals at work, in relationships, and with their health by becoming centered in their confidence, creativity, and power. 


Create new, healthy habits 

Counselors in the NormanAid Wellness Center can help you create realistic and meaningful goals. Please make an appointment on NormanAidRequest.org.





Be Safe & Well,

Ali Norman-Franks & NormanAid Counseling Team


[email protected]