
Welcome to Norman Athletics!

For information about all sports and to contact the coach use the buttons above to choose your season. Important forms, team schedules, and game results can be reached using the sections on the right side.
To print your team's schedule go to the game schedule, choose your sport and then select print schedule at the bottom left of the page. Refer to the video below for more assistance.

Athletic Check-in Process

To participate in any sport all athletes must follow the process below.

  1. Complete Athletic Clearance (Print Email-Confirmation, sign and return to Athletic Office) 
  2. Mandatory Insurance Requirement
    1. Submit a Copy of Medical Insurance card
    2. Submit proof of coverage from Myers-Stevens insurance
  3. Complete the Physical form with doctor signature (must be a current physical) You can download the Physical form from the Document and Forms tab to the right.
  4. Come to PRACTICE!!!!
Students on teams who are in pre-season for their sport participate in sports conditioning.  This is a conditioning program, built around a weight training program and a cardio-vascular program. The class is designed to help you to get into shape or in some cases maintain your fitness. It is much more difficult than a regular physical education class.
Director of District Athletics                                       
Tim Ellis 
High School Athletic Directors
Vonzie Paysinger (boys)
John Braddell (girls)
Athletics Operations Specialist
Laura Mendoza 
Certified Athletic Trainer
Megan Limfueco Soriano