Community Service

Students at Beverly Hills High School have a long and proud tradition of participation with community service activities. Our school and local community have been blessed with this unselfish generosity of time and energy performed voluntarily by our students toward the benefit of others.

Community Service Requirements and Important Information

  • Performing community service hours is NOT required by BHHS. It is not a graduation requirement nor will service be listed on student transcripts.   It is strictly optional.
  • Students who complete 100 hours or more, in one calendar year, can request BHHS to apply for a President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) on their behalf.  To keep track of service hours, see the "Student Survey" on Naviance.  Students track their own hours, they do not turn in individual forms.
  •  In January information will be in the school bulletin on how to submit a request to apply for the President's Volunteer Service Award.

What is Community Service?

A broad definition of community service would be … “services volunteered by individuals or organizations to benefit a community or its institutions”. Community service is when you do something for someone else without the intentions of getting a reward or money.
Community Service can be one time events or ongoing activities.
Community service hours can only be granted for supervised volunteer work performed for non-profit institutions, businesses, agencies, etc. Volunteering at a ‘for profit’ business (e.g., medical office, law office, retail store, etc.) is NOT considered community service, unless the business is sponsoring a non-profit event, fund raiser, organization, etc. 
Besides the personal satisfaction of making a positive impact on the lives of others in need, the additional benefits of participating in community service activities include:

  • Extracurricular activities and awards indicated on college applications can have a positive effect
  • Opportunities for professional and social networking
  • Gaining an insight toward various professions and the potential to validate a career interest
  • Building a stronger resume (‘Related Work Experience’ or ‘Volunteer Experience’)
  • Earning the trust of supervisors that can serve as ‘work references’ for future jobs/internships
  • Qualifying for the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)
  • Creating a greater feeling self-worth and confidence, along with participating as part of a team
There are organizations which reward students who work hard to contribute to their communities. Search online for scholarships! Service Scholarships

Cindy Dubin
Coordinator, Career Education
Beverly Hills High School, Rm. B1-126
Email: [email protected]