School Counselors

The School Counseling Department is an integral part of Beverly Hills High School’s educational framework. Our program is comprehensive by design and includes sequential activities organized and implemented by professional school counselors with the active support of parents/guardians, teachers, administrators, and the community. As a comprehensive program, it addresses the needs of all students by facilitating their academic, college, career, and personal/social development as well as helping create a positive and safe learning climate.

Who Is My Counselor?

Students are assigned to their counselor alphabetically based on the first letter of their last name. Counselors work with each student to ensure that their academic, college, career, and personal/social needs are addressed. Students remain with their assigned counselor until graduation.

How Do I See My Counselor?

  • Scan your Counselors QR code, then fill out the Google form and submit
  • Wait until your name is called by your Counselor; you will be seen on a first-come,
    first-serve basis​
Note: Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to meet with your counselor at the time you arrive, as we are not able to predict how long each meeting will be. If we missed you, please come back or email us!
By Appointment:
  • Email your Counselor to schedule an appointment
  • Day of Appointment: Scan your Counselors QR code, then fill out the Google form and submit
  • Wait until your name is called by your Counselor if it is before or after school, and during nutrition or lunch. If during class, go back to class and you will be summoned via slip
  • Please do not come to school unannounced; email your child(s) Counselor to schedule an appointment
  • Day of Appointment: Sign-in at the Attendance Office
  • Inform our Office Assistants that you are here for your appointment and we will be with you shortly