Every 15 Minutes

Beverly Hills High School and NormanAid partner with The Vahagn Setian Charitable Foundation, Beverly Hills Police and fire department, BHHS PTSA and Ceders Sinai, and organize the Every 15 Minutes program which is a two day program that challenges students to think about drinking, distracted driving, personal safety and the responsibility of making mature decisions. Every 15 Minutes name was conceived in 1990 when one alcohol related traffic fatality occurred in the United States every fifteen minutes. Juniors and seniors view a staged traffic collision and experience firsthand the sensations of being involved in a tragic, alcohol-related collision. Law enforcement and emergency medical responders simulate a real-life rescue. A select group of students are transported to the Beverly Hills Courthouse where they participate in a mock trial, experience holding cells (drunk tank) and also visit a mortuary. Students stay at the Beverly Hills Hilton for an overnight student retreat. The retreat simulate the separation from friends and family, and students write a “goodbye” letter.

On the second day a mock funeral service is held to honor all the students who participate. All juniors and seniors view a video of the previous day’s activities. Some of the "living dead" share their letters with the audience and reflect how it felt to die without having a chance to say goodbye. A keynote speaker speaks of their first-hand-knowledge of the tragic consequences of their drinking and driving. The assembly concludes with a call to action that challenges everyone in the auditorium to make responsible choices when alcohol is involved.