Career Day

Career Day School Wide Event

March 13, 2024
BHHS looks forward to continuing its decades long tradition of welcoming 100+ speakers, representing over 50 different professions, to our campus to speak on small industry panels to inspire our students!  
STUDENTS (9th - 11th Graders) - ALL students attend a conference-style event, signing up for three (3) sessions according to their individual interests and passions. The sessions are built into a special Period 1-7 Bell Schedule for the day. Click on the link below to sign up!
STUDENTS (12th Graders) - The Class of 2024 will attend a BRUNCH hosted by the PTSA, and play "Career Day Jeopardy" featuring funny job and interview stories about our staff. The Brunch will be held during the same time that the 9th-11th graders will be attending Career Day Info Sessions (approx 10:30 - 12:00 pm), most likely in the Cafeteria.  The time and location will be solidified and sent to all Seniors who RSVP.  Click on the link below to RSVP for the Brunch!  
SPEAKERS - Local professionals are encouraged to sign up to speak for 1-3 sessions, using the Career Day Speaker Registration Form. Click on link in the menu to the right or below to sign up!
BELL SCHEDULE - There will be a Special Bell Schedule for Career Day, which will be posted soon. All classes for 9th - 12th graders will meet that day with shortened periods, before the Career Day sessions/Senior Brunch and after lunch as well.
PARKING - Students will park in the surrounding neighborhood on Career Day so the speakers can park on our campus.  Details about the relaxed parking enforcement will be posted soon.