10th Grade - PSAT 10 | Digital Exam Video Tutorial | FAQ | Student Guide

Did you know the PSAT 10 is now digital?
Since this is the first year, we highly encourage you to watch the video below as well as take the practice test by going to the Bluebook App on your district device which should be on your desktop. If you can't find the Bluebook App please go to Tech Support.
When is the test?
Wednesday, March 6th, 2024. 
How do I practice?
Go to the Bluebook App on your district device which should be on your desktop. If you can't find the Bluebook App please go to Tech Support.
Are there any tricks I need to know? 
Yes! Now that the test is digital, there are testing "tools" that help you! For example, you can easily eliminate answers you don't think are correct, highlight parts of the question and write yourself notes, access a calculator, mark 'for review' any questions you want to come back to later, and finally, a math reference sheet, this consists of essential formulas including the area and perimeter of common shapes, volume of solids, special right triangle formulas, and 3 fundamental geometric rules. 
Why should I take this test?
1. You are expected to attend and take the test.
2. This test identifies skill gaps you might have which allows us to support you in those areas. 
3. This test identifies areas of strength you might have that may influence your decisions around course selection. 
4. It is a practice exam for the SAT. 
5. The results help us make decisions about curriculum and placement. 
PSAT School Day