Counseling Team

The NormanAid Wellness Team provides short term, weekly, and group counseling services, as well as crisis management and wellness programs. Students can request an appointment through The NormanAid Wellness Center (NAWC) has a team of 15 counseling interns and 12 peer counselors. The NAWC counseling team provides services for the entire student body, parents, staff and on average has over 2000 individual counseling sessions every year.

Wellness Coordinator

Ali has worked as a Counselor at Beverly Hills High School for 18 years and is founder and supervisor of the BHHS NormanAid Wellness Center (NAWC), pioneering one of the nation’s first school-based wellness centers. Ali oversees social emotional & mental health services, crisis management, and wellness education at BHHS. Through her robust MonthlyAid themed program, she has fostered a new culture of wellness at BHHS by raising awareness of the importance of mental health and empowering students to take care of themselves and their peers.
Mrs. Norman-Franks may be contacted directly by email at [email protected] by phone at (310) 551-5100 ext. 8717.
Wellness Counselor
Under her leadership, her counseling team offers services to the entire student body, parents and staff, averaging over 2000 individual counseling sessions every year.
Maple Counselors
The Maple Counseling Center has contracted with the Beverly Hills School District to provide counseling services to students onsite at Beverly Hills High School. Associates and trainees provide onsite individual and group counseling sessions to Beverly Hills High school students. Click here for more information on Maple Counseling Services.
Counseling Interns
Counseling interns from local Universities (LMU, National, UCLA and USC) who are working on their hours and training to receive their CWA and PPS credential. They meet with students under the supervision of Mrs. Pepin. Click here for more information.
Peer Counselors
Peer counseling is a year-long elective class. NormanAid Peer Counselors are an important part of the NAWC wellness team. Peer Counselors work in the NAWC and help assure that students are connected to a counselor. They help create and host the Today Well Lived Podcast and they plan and implement the MonthlyAid Wellness Program. Please see Mrs. Norman-Franks if you are interested in applying to be in the Peer Counseling class.